Brava for Women in the Arts

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Brava Welcomes Rosine Garcia

Brava is excited to welcome Rosine Garcia to our small but mighty staff! Rosine came to Brava through her connection with Carnaval San Francisco, where she is currently (and will continue to be) the Festival’s Vendor Coordinator and Social Media Coordinator. Rosine’s immense talent as an event coordinator and social media guru will be put to great use here at Brava. Rosine will be putting out fresh new content across all of our platforms, so stay tuned. Welcome to Brava Rosine!

Rosine is a current student at the University of San Francisco where she majors in Hospitality Management (with an emphasis on events) and minors in Chicanx-Latinx Studies. In her free time, you can find Rosine reading books, decorating her planner, and eating cinnamon rolls.